James Stubkjaer to Serve as Middle & High School Principal at Sioux Falls Lutheran School


Sioux Falls Lutheran School is pleased to announce that Mr. James Stubkjaer will serve as our Middle and High School Principal commencing with the 2021-22 school year. His predecessor, Mr. Rod Lenz, graciously served in an interim capacity during the 2020-21 school year and looks forward to enjoying retirement with his wife, Tina. 


Mr. Stubkjaer holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) and Education, a Master of Science degree in HPER-Sport Pedagogy, and a Master of Education degree in School Administration from South Dakota State University. He served as the K-9th grade PE teacher, middle school math and health teacher, and 10th grade health and weightlifting teacher in Parker, SD, from 2000-2004. From there, he moved to Sioux Falls and served as the K-5 PE teacher at R.F. Pettigrew Elementary from 2004-2015. During that time, he also gained valuable assistant varsity football coaching experience at Lincoln and Roosevelt high schools. From 2015-2017, Mr. Stubkjaer served as Preschool-12th grade principal for the Avon School District. Since 2017, he has been serving as a Financial Advisor at Edward Jones in Albert Lea, MN.

Prior to their departure from Sioux Falls in 2015, Mr. Stubkjaer and his family–wife, Michelle and children, Emma (10th grade), Isabella (8th grade), Sophie (6th grade), and Jacob (4th grade)–were part of our SFLS family and members at Resurrection Lutheran Church. They very much look forward to rejoining our school family and the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod community in Sioux Falls.

Check out the Q&A below to meet Mr. Stubkjaer and learn more about his approach to school leadership:

What is your favorite thing about working in education?
My favorite thing about working in education would be the opportunity to teach and learn from our youth. I enjoy helping to make a difference in their lives. Most people can think of one teacher who they really enjoyed and who made a difference in their life. Prov. 22:6

How do you anticipate your previous experiences in education to impact your new role and work at SFLS?
I have spent 19 years in education, from teaching to coaching to being a prek-12th grade principal. All of that time and experience has helped me become the teacher/coach/person I am today. Those experiences and allowing God to work through me, giving Him all the honor and glory, will help me to be the best leader/teammate that I can be for SFLS. Prov. 6:20-23

Describe your leadership style.
I would describe myself as a selfless servant leader, who leads from the heart with love. The greatest fruit of the spirit is love. The greatest leaders are selfless, and they help everyone around them to be their best. Luke 22:26

After experiencing Sioux Falls Lutheran School as a parent, what do you look forward to about joining and leading a team of educators at our school? 
What I look forward to most about joining the wonderful team at SFLS is the ability to sharpen and be sharpened by staff and students alike. Waking up every day to work for the Lord, build His team, and share the Gospel truly excites me! We have been praying for over two years for this opportunity, and God has opened the door for my family and I. We are truly blessed and very thankful for this wonderful opportunity. Prov. 27:17

Favorite Bible verse:
I have many favorite verses in the Bible, but one that I share often with friends and family would be very fitting here with our move back to Sioux Falls: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” —Prov. 3:5-6

About Sioux Falls Lutheran School
At Sioux Falls Lutheran School, our mission is to develop capable, Christian servant-leaders in a complex world who are World Ready and Faith Secure. We are passionate about giving our students the tools they need to be successful academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. We strive to accomplish this goal by maintaining high academic standards, employing excellent teachers, and upholding a Christian worldview drawn from Scripture. Ultimately, we are committed to partnering with parents and the church to raise lifelong learners who use their gifts and the fruits of the Spirit, in faith, to touch a troubled world with God’s grace.