Sioux Falls Lutheran School is a family community committed to developing Capable Christian Servant-Leaders in a Complex World: World Ready, Faith Secure. We encourage homeschool families who are interested in our academic or extracurricular programming to prayerfully consider full-time enrollment at Sioux Falls Lutheran School.
In our experience, full-time enrollment helps ensure that your child experiences the true Sioux Falls Lutheran School Difference, which extends beyond academics and extracurriculars to include weekly chapel services, social and emotional skill development through the study of conflict resolution strategies, collaborative class work that extend across subject areas, service projects with family groups comprised of students in different grades, the formation of lifelong friendships, and so much more.
Ultimately, full-time enrollment allows us to serve the needs of the whole child while preparing students for lifelong learning in a world where creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills are among the most valued by employers. Our educational approach also makes an eternal difference in the lives of our students as we partner with parents and the church to help children develop the skills they’ll need to serve God and the world, with strength of character and purpose, knowing that they are loved and saved by Christ, forgiven by God, and heirs to His Kingdom.
Questions to Consider
As You Contemplate a Transition to Full-time Schooling
As we’ve assisted homeschool families with the transition to full-time schooling over the years, we have learned that the adjustment to busy new routines can, at times, be difficult. To assist you in making the best educational decision for your family, we encourage you to consider the following questions in preparation for your family’s campus visit:
What does your current homeschool day look like?
- How much time do you devote to school on a given day? How will your children respond to a school day that lasts seven hours?
- What does your current school workload look like? How will your children respond to having homework to do outside of school hours?
- What social and/or extracurricular activities do your children currently participate in, and how frequently do those activities occur?
- How comfortable are your children with initiating new friendships, advocating for their own needs, and asking questions or participating in discussions in a larger group setting?
What are your long-term educational goals for your children?
- After high school, do they plan to attend college or technical school, join the armed forces, or enter the workforce?
- How will a high school setting that focuses on preparing students for college success suit your child’s long-term educational goals?
Consider how your family’s current lifestyle will mesh with our school calendar and daily schedule (classes are in session Monday-Friday from 8:00am-3:15pm).
- What downsides might accompany being committed to a school calendar? (For example, do you enjoy spontaneously going out for lunch or taking a day off to do something together as a family? Are you used to traveling frequently during the school year?)
- How willing are you to reimagine family activities and routines in order to balance school attendance with the pieces of your current lifestyle that you hold near and dear?
Applying For Admission
In order to help you make the best educational decision for your family, our homeschool admissions process follows several important steps:
Important Deadlines & Guidelines For Homeschool Families
July 31: Submission of academic records and campus visit, admissions application, enrollment conversation, and submission of enrollment forms and fee must be completed by July 31 in order to start during fall semester.
November 15: Submission of academic records and campus visit, admissions application, enrollment conversation, and submission of enrollment forms and fee must be completed by November 15 in order to start during spring semester.
In order to allow students adequate time to establish new habits and adjust to new routines, homeschool transfer students must commit to attending school for at least one full quarter before reassessing plans.
Exploring Needs-based Variable Tuition at SFLS
At Sioux Falls Lutheran School, we recognize that finances play an important role in your family’s educational decisions. Needs-Based Variable Tuition is an important part of our ministry as we strive to eliminate financial obstacles that stand between qualified children and a quality Christian education. Visit our tuition page to learn more about Needs-Based Variable Tuition, RaiseRight (formerly known as SCRIP), and other scholarships that can help cover the cost of tuition at Sioux Falls Lutheran School.
Part-Time Options
While full-time enrollment has proven to be the most beneficial to the homeschool families we’ve worked with, families who choose to participate part-time at Sioux Falls Lutheran School may partake in the following extracurriculars:
2024-25 Homeschool Extracurricular Offerings and Pricing
Girls Volleyball – Fall
- Grades 6-8: $400
- Grades 9-12: $500
Boys 9-man Football – Fall
- Grades 7-12: $840
Boys Basketball – Winter
- Grades 6-8: $600
- Grades 9-12: $650
Girls Basketball – Winter
- Grades 6-8: $600
- Grades 9-12: $650
Boys & Girls Powerlifting – Winter
- Grades 7-12: $700
Boys & Girls Track and Field – Spring
- Grades 6-8: $630
- Grades 9-12: $630
Boys & Girls Golf – Spring
- Grades 7-12: $525
- Fall/Spring Play: $170 (per show)
- High School One Act: $280
- Middle School One Act: $170
- Musical: $330
- Camp Center Stage (summer drama camp): $220
A $25 enrollment fee (per child) will be charged at the time of registration for homeschool activities during the 2023-24 school year.