We can mention only one point (which experience confirms), namely, that next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. No greater commendation than this can be found — at least not by us. After all, the gift of language combined with the gift of song was only given to man
to let him know that he should praise God with both word and music, namely, by proclaiming [the Word of God] through music.”
— M. Luther

Music at SFLS

Music is an integral part of the day at Sioux Falls Lutheran School.
Music and movement classes taught by our violin instructor begin in 1-year-old classes and lay the foundation for small group Suzuki-based violin instruction, which is incorporated into the school day for all kindergarten through 4th grade students. Kindergarten through 8th grade students also participate in a weekly music class.
By 5th grade, students can choose to participate in band, choir, and orchestra. Private piano, instrumental, and voice lessons are also available throughout the school day for an additional fee. Additional ensembles available throughout the middle and high school experience include guitar ensemble, tone chimes, praise band, and marching band.
About the Suzuki Method
Also known as the Mother Tongue Method, the Suzuki Method of music instruction stems from the idea that all children have the ability to develop and enhance skills that are taught in a nurturing environment. Much like learning language comes naturally to a child, learning to make music can be a natural process when similar teaching methods are applied.
We launched our Suzuki-based program in 2011 with two main goals:
- To better prepare our youngest students for our high-quality music program.
- To further develop students’ brains socially, emotionally, academically, and spiritually.
The well-researched benefits of music lessons generally and the Suzuki method specifically—especially at a young age—include improvements in spatial task performance, contextual memory, IQ, achievement scores, reading and math scores, self-discipline, self-image, rhythm, and memory (Munsey, 2006).
Violin instruction at Sioux Falls Lutheran School draws from the Suzuki Method by starting instruction at a young age, teaching children to play music before they learn to read it, and placing special focus on producing good sound. Best of all, our Suzuki-based violin program is incorporated into the school day for all students in grades K-3.
(Source: International Suzuki Association)
Schedule Your Visit to Learn More
We encourage you to visit Sioux Falls Lutheran School as you consider educational options for your child. Contact our admissions team at 605-335-1923 or admissions@sflutheranschool.com to schedule your family’s campus visit.
We look forward to meeting you!